One factor that play a important role in the parenting is to plant positive qualities in their children as their parents plants in themselves, positive qualities like: self-disicpline, responsibility, good judgment, and perseverance. The challenge today is to help children develop the self-reliance, commitment and skills that were standard thirty or fifty years ago. The families from the farms have moved to suburban areas and started to lose important values, the family work in the farm is important, even the child of three years old knows what happen if... The farm's children learned responsibilities in the same table where they ate the dinner. It was called the urban revolution and the family structure change and the extended family has been reduced to what we call nuclear family, one or two parents plus the children and the relatives typically live far away. We can say that one of the most important factors was the moving of the farm's families.
And maybe you are wondering, how does it impact to our church, well the same effect that has in our families, is happening in our churches, the identity and the roles it has been changing and the spiritual education at home is going down and this affect directly to how our children behave in our churches and in the youth groups.